Environmental Scientist/Permitting Specialist
At Bridge & Stream, we specialize in providing water resource engineering solutions for a variety of industries. Environmental permitting is a key aspect of our projects. We work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment, while maintaining a laid-back approach that encourages a satisfying work-life balance. We are looking for qualified applicants to join our team as an Environmental Scientist/Permitting Specialist.
The job duties for this position would involve:
Conducting environmental assessments at project sites including wetland delineations, Waters of the U.S. characterizations, and migratory bird nest surveys.
Reviewing and advising on environmental permitting aspects of water resources engineering projects.
Preparing permit application packages including CWA Section 404/401 permits (Nationwide and individual), stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP), and other permits as required.
Coordination with project team members, consultation with regulatory agencies, and compliance with client protocols.
Short-term travel to complete field work involving surveying tasks.
Bridge & Stream offers an ideal blend of small business features combined with large company advantages. We provide an excellent benefits package to employees including competitive salary, paid vacation time, health insurance, 401(k) with company match, and annual bonus. We utilize cutting-edge professional technology and compete on a national scale without the red tape bureaucracy of larger firms. Bridge & Stream employees enjoy flexible work locations and work schedules that allow us to maximize productivity and have fun doing it.
We want you to love this job!
Our ideal candidate for this position has:
Strong wetland, stream, and ecological assessment skills, including expertise with USACE wetland delineation methodologies.
Knowledge of USACE nationwide permits and the application of regional and state-specific conditions. Experience with a variety of permitting situations.
Experience completing environmental permit applications in a professional environment. Experience with water resources engineering is a plus.
Skill and experience utilizing GPS mapping and GIS software.
Minimum 5 years (10+ years preferred) of professional working experience in environmental permitting.
Interest in field work, including periodic week-long trips to project sites and surveying in variable outdoor conditions.
An established work ethic with the ability to work independently and remotely, and a willingness to engage on a variety of tasks required to operate a small business.
Full-time and part-time candidates will be considered. Applicants should email their resume to postmaster@bridgeandstream.com.