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Bridge & Stream Engineering is proud to offer two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic modeling capabilities for H&H drainage projects.  Below are examples of 2D models utilized on recent projects.

The video above shows 2D modeling used to define complex split flow paths and determine design flows at each drainage structure.​

The video above shows a 2D model used to analyze a Mississippi River system with many adjacent bridges that operate hydraulically as a system.

The video above utilizes LiDAR topography to help account for the storage that exists in the flat areas in the watershed that will reduce the design flow rates through the railroad bridge.

The video above shows a 2D model used to help determine complex split flow paths in an urban environment to understand drainage patterns and to help mitigate flooding impacts.

The video above shows LiDAR topography used in a 2D model to account for large storage area upstream of the railroad embankment that will reduce the design flow rates at the railroad bridges.

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